Current and Upcoming Litters! |
Please see our general information about puppy prices, drive, and size estimates. |
Flame had 3 pretty boys on July 29, 2024 |
I named these boys remembering the Book Little Black by Walter Farley that I loved as a child. |
Big Red is a sweet boy with 2 blue eyes. He will be a larger Miniature. |
This little guy is named Walter after the author of Little Black the Pony. |
This is Little Black. He has one blue eye. He has a very sweet and easy going. |
If you have questions please use the Contact Us form. |
CJ had really nice babies on August 6, 2024 |
This is Sunday. She is funny and full of life. |
This is Monday, a black tri female. |
Tuesday is a black tri male who gets so excited he just vibrates when you pick him up. |
Wednesday is a red tri female Toy Aussie female. |
Thursday is a black tri female with one blue eye. |
Friday is blue merle male Toy Aussie puppy. |
Saturday is a black tri female with some very different markings. |
If you have questions please use the Contact Us form. |
General puppy information |
We do not like to price our puppies until they are old enough to tell what type of temperament they will have. That is generally around 5 to 6 weeks. However, most people want to know the price before they are 8 weeks old. Consequently, we try to price them around 3 to 4 weeks old. As they mature, we will adjust the price, if need be, according to their development. All our puppies are sold under a pet contract that requires them to be altered unless there are extenuating circumstances. |
Puppies' temperament levels are now listed. If you would like more information on what that means please visit Picking the Right Puppy on Toy/Mini Aussies website. |
We do not guarantee the mature size of any of our puppies. All size estimates are our best guesses. |
Our Toy and Miniature Aussie puppy prices are based on color (tri or merle, red or blue), size, eye color, parents and their accomplishments, and the quality of the puppy. Consequently, prices can vary greatly. Tri's color puppies range from $600.00 to $3,500.00 with most under $1,000.00. Merles range from $1,000.00 to as much as $5,000.00 with most under $1,500.00. |
The minimum deposit per puppy is $500.00. Deposits are non-refundable but transferable to another puppy or litter if we don't get the right puppy. We encourage you to place deposits when we have posted a litter announcement above. That secures your place in line for the choice of puppies once they are old enough. We take the process of placing puppies in the right homes very seriously. Here at Shade Tree Aussies, we strive to place puppies in a home where they will likely be successful. We do not sell a specific pup until 6 weeks of age as it takes until then for us to know what drive level and temperament each puppy will have. We will work with you to get the right puppy for you and your family. Of course, if you are not interested in any of the puppies we think might work in your situation you may wait for another litter. It’s hard to know which Shade Tree Aussie puppy is the best fit for your family from just a picture, but they are worth the wait! |
We do accept Pay Pal. If you would like to use a card to purchase your new best friend, please contact us and we will gladly set that up for you. Are you a previous customer of Shade Tree Aussies? Don't forget to ask about our Repeat Customer discount. |
On a side note here, we do litter box train our puppies. That means you don't have to run them outside in the middle of the night or in bad weather if you don't want to. This also makes house training a bit easier. All puppies will have age-appropriate vaccinations, are frequently de-wormed, and come already microchipped. |
These are our terms only and do not reflect any breed standard. They are provided for purposes of definition only. |
Small Toy Aussies would be around 12" Toy Aussie would be under 14" Small Mini Aussie would be 14-15" Medium Mini Aussie would be 15 -16" Large Mini Aussie would be 16-18" Standard Aussie would be 18" to 20" |
We reserve the right to refuse to sell any puppy/dog to anyone for any reason. |
Thank you for visiting Shade Tree Aussies and checking out our Puppies! |
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